I installed the latest FL2 update for Flash Pro 8 few days back. but found what, its missing all the features that were demoed in MAX05.
The update is quite similar with the one Adobe released earlier through Labs, and there’s no new features in it. After reading an article which was published after MAX 2005, i was quite excited to see these features in Flash Pro 8. especially the mobile projector and memory consumption graph in emulator, but the latest release is missing all of em :(
Here are some screen shots available at flickr’s flashlite group which shows the functionality.
they look really nice :|
// chall3ng3r //
technorati tags: flashlite
yes everyone is waiting for those features!
I wanted to clarify some things about the Flash Lite 2 Update for Flash Professional 8 and what was shown at MAX 2005 in Anaheim.
What I demoed at MAX 2005 and is shown above in the photos from Flickr are mock-ups of some ideas that we (Adobe Mobile and Devices Team) were thinking about for future versions of the mobile emulator. I made it clear before, during and after I showed these mock-ups that these were only ideas of potential new features that we may include in a way future version of the mobile emulator and nothing that would be shipping any time in the near future.
The Flash Lite 2 Update for Flash Professional 8 was made available to developers a few weeks ago to allow them to start creating, testing and publishing Flash Lite 2 content from within Flash Professional 8. The update includes the following bits: Flash Lite 2 publishing profile, updates to the mobile emulator to allow developers to test new features of Flash Lite 2 (device video for example), new device profiles and updated documentation and sample files.
If anyone has any additional questions about this please send me an email (bperry at adobe dot com).
thanks Bill for clarification. I’d love to have these features implemented in near future.
// chall3ng3r //