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Fixed: Ovi Store not working after Hard Reset

I have seen many users complaining Ovi Store app not working at all after they Hard Rest their Symbian^3 device, such as Nokia N8, E7, C7 etc.

Ovi Store app is developed using Qt and it requires the Qt runtime on device to work properly. When a user Hard Rests his device, the runtime is gone. And unfortunately, Nokia is unable to tackle this issue so far when installing Ovi Store again on device.

I have to reset my Nokia N8 once, and I got hit by the same issue. I knew what was missing, so I just installed the Qt runtime (4.6.3) SIS from the Qt SDK 1.0 folder to my N8 and it started working just fine.

Normal users don’t have Qt SDK, which is ~1.3GB download. So, I thought it would be a good idea to put the Qt runtime SIS files on my server and let the users having issues with Ovi Store, download and install the Qt runtime without downloading the Qt SDK.


I created a special mobile friendly page on our SWF2Go website, where any user can just go directly using his mobile and download and install the Qt runtime.

Direct Download Qt Runtime: https://chall3ng3r.com/downloads/qt/

I uploaded Qt 4.6.3 as well as Qt 4.7.3 runtimes. You just need only one of them. I’d recommend the later as the most of the new apps such as LinkedIn for Symbian is based on it.

Update: Based on feedback I have also added Qt Mobility 1.1.3 SIS along Qt runtime. Some users have reported Ovi Store app uses Qt Mobility as well. I guess this will fix Ovi Store always loading issue after installing Qt.

Update 2: I have now added Qt Notifications APIs SIS on the download link above. The new version of Ovi Store uses these new APIs as well.

Update 3 “€œ Recommended for Symbian ^3: Nokia team has finally made available a standalone download of the Ovi Store client app. Just visit the following link to download the latest version. Read more about this at official blog.

Direct Download Ovi Store App: http://lr.ovi.mobi/store/client-symbian-3/

Update 4 (26 Oct 2011): Download new Qt QML based beta Nokia Store app. 18mb download contains Qt runtime and the client. No need to install Qt. Get it from here.

My suggestion to Nokia / Qt Team: There should be similar Qt runtime download page optimized for mobile devices, for end users. Who disparately search on internet when Ovi Store stops working.

Update 5 (Sep-2015):
Nokia Store for Symbian is no longer available. Most of the apps are moved to Opera at http://apps.opera.com. Visit this website for Opera Store installation on your Symbian OS phone.

Have fun downloading great apps from Ovi Store!

// chall3ng3r //


  1. Michael says:

    It worked in my N8 after installing the qt 473 file. Thanks Man!!! Thanks a lot!!! I was so desperate to get back to the Ovi Store since it got corrupted. I had set to restore factory setting still it was not working. I was searching and searching for long… This is it… U find the key. Thanks for sharing the info and uploading the Qt. Thank once again man…

    1. @Michael, Glad that it worked for you :)

      Enjoy your Nokia with fun games and apps feom Ovi Store.

      // chall3ng3r //

  2. hi
    i’ve problem with ovi store on my n8.
    But I’m not able to install the qt file 4.73 that you’ve provided. Its showing ‘update error’
    Please help.

    1. Hi,

      Uninstall Qt and Ovi Store app currently on your device. Then install Qt 4.6.3 and visit Ovi Store from your device’s browser. It should automatically detect your device and offer your to start installation of Ovi Store app.

      For me, when I had to reset my N8, I just installed Qt 4.6.3, and then opened the Ovi Store icon on the device. It took me to Ovi Store mobile site, and offered me to start installation of Ovi on N8.

      I hope this helps, and good luck!

      // chall3ng3r //

  3. arijit says:

    you are so logically clear, you are so sensible to put the qt files in server for download …It worked …thanks a ton

  4. You’re welcome Arijit :)

    // call3ng3r //

  5. Roy says:

    Thanks a lot man!! Managed to download Ovi Store and install it… but when I try to go to Ovi Store now, loading time keeps for ever and it does not start. Installed 4.7.3 runtimes.

  6. roop says:

    same problem has occurred to me after resetting my nokia. But my version is S^1 i.e nokia 5230. den the above procedure works fine for me??? plzz help!

  7. vikram singh tawar says:

    believe me man u r 2 gud…. :)
    u r much better den those stupid nokia people… u just solved my ovi problem in a second.. which i was facing past 2 days….. thx a lot for ur support and time…
    really appreciate dis… :)

  8. vikram singh tawar says:

    yaa i agree with roy when I try to go to Ovi Store now, loading time keeps for ever and it does not start. Installed 4.7.3 runtimes.

  9. @Roy, @Vikram, try using 4.6.3 version or the Qt runtime. Maybe the Ovi Store client on your devices is older version. It could be also network connection issue. Check the you are able to browse internet via mobile browser.

    @roop, I uploaded the Qt runtime files for S^1 devices as well. Visit the link again, and download the Qt for your device.

    // chall3ng3r //

  10. roop says:

    thank you very much…i hav seen it in the link !!

    the main error behind dis problem is…..if we reset our mobile using hard format code the ovi files r corrupted to load again. So most probably if we use soft format code to reset our mobile den the problem itself would be solved…..WAT I DID!!! hope dis wud helpful

  11. Danny says:

    tried 473 not work and downgrade to 463 also not work, the ovi store just load forever on my n8. please help!

    1. @Danny, did you tried to uninstall Ovi Store app from your N8? If not, uninstall it, install Qt 4.6.3, then open store.ovi.com on your N8’s browser. It will automatically download and install latest Ovi Store version on your device.

      I hope this will work for you.

      // chall3ng3r //

  12. Ovi Store is not working in my Nokia E63. I think there is some defect or it has virus in New Version of Ovi Store.

  13. Johnchelott says:

    “please wait installation will take a few minutes” then it closes when 95% i think.

  14. Joe says:

    Thanx that is really making the ovi work

  15. @kashif and @Johnchelott,

    Maybe you can try reformatting the device again, then download the Qt runtime from the link above.

    After Qt runtime is installed, you should then try visiting store.ovi.com on your mobile browser.

    Hope it helps,

    // chall3ng3r //

  16. crewz says:

    i tried many solution on the net but at the last i get unable to install ovi store. i was give up to solve this problem with my own and was thinking to send my phone back to nokia service centre. but today i tried for the last and walla it’s working..this my solution :-

    1) hard reset again ur phone using 3 finger way.
    2) install QT 4.6.3 that provide at this forum (thanks for admin for uploading it). install the webkit also.
    3) after that check for software update at phone without using nokia ovi suite.
    4) when the list of update appear and if u can see ovi store update thats mean ur are successful.
    5) install all the update.
    6) run the ovi store at home screen at it will open and ask ur to download lastest ovi store.
    7) now ur can using back ovi store on nokia n8.

    this how i do, and its successful for me after try many solution…try it with ur own..thanks..

  17. @crewz, thanks for sharing the steps to make the Ovi Store work. Glad that now it’s working for you.

    // chall3ng3r //

  18. Hey,

    Thanks for sharing. In my case my nokia c7 crashed (have no idea why) I sent it back to the nokia centre n it was fixed. When it came back I couldn,t log into ovistore with my username and password. So I uninstalled ovistore and reinstalled it again. Then my problem began.

    I downloaded ovistore from ovistore and it says welcome and keeps on loading. If I download from SWupdate it just shows ovistore and the black dots keep circling and in both cases nothing further happens.

    I have read several forums until I got to urs and I download the Qt473 and still nothings changed. I want to download the Qt463 but I don’t know if I should or if its adisable to add it on the qt473. I want to install nokia bubbles with the qtdowngrade and see if that will help and I am also afraid to try that. I don’t know how to uninstall the qt473 as I can’t find it in the application manager.

    In the application manager I see SSOUI, SSOUIusernamewidget, ovistore, no name and facebook (which all show a symbol different from the others and which I take to mean that they’r not functioning properly) I know this is alot to process but I could use ur help and advice.


  19. Hi please tell me which version of qt i hv to install for my Nokia E63. Waiting for the reply at the earliest so that i can install YouTube downloader for my mobile

  20. @meeym, the easiest option I would suggest you is to do a hard reset. This will remove Ovi Store app as well as any Qt runtime on it. Make sure you make a backup of contacts and your data on device using Ovi Suite.

    After that, just open the Qt download link in my post, download and install Qt 4.7.3. Once it’s installed, open store.ovi.com on your browser. It will ask you to install Ovi Store app.

    @Bhaskar, I didn’t find Qt runtime for your E63, with is Symbian 3rd Edition device. You can try installing Qt 4.7.3 which is listed for Symbian ^1 devices.


    // chall3ng3r //

  21. nuerawi says:

    ok this is clear now and it solve ovi store installing and it require totally removing of qt47…the point now is what will go on if i want to install qt47 again over qt46??? iam afraid very much to loose ovi store or other issue to come up.

    1. @nuerawi, you don’t have to install Qt 4.7 once your Ovi Store starts working. Just keep using Ovi Store to download new games and apps, if any app requires new version of Qt, it will automatically update it to the latest version. And will not even break Ovi Store ;)

      // chall3ng3r //

  22. vojha says:

    I tried both the option i.e. hard reset my N8 installed QT 4.7 then after restarting installed Store but it did not worked. It was showing loading all the times.
    Then I again reseted my phone tried installing Qt 4.6 , but at this time after installing OVI store it is getting crashed. Please help me in this.

  23. @vojha, make sure you are able to browse internet on your mobile browser of N8. As reported by many users, Qt 4.7 fixed the issue for them.

    Once Qt is installed, Ovi Store will always download new version from N8 internet connection, either WiFi or operators data connection.

    It’s best to try with WiFi connection.

    // chall3ng3r //

    1. Akhilesh says:

      Could you please tell me how to uninstall Ovi from my Nokia N8. Whenever I try to uninstall it show message “Removing Cancelled”.

      Please help…

    2. Mohammed samir says:

      Bro, i am using nokia e5 and i also facing same problem with ovi store. I am going to delete this app but its not. And i already try hard reset with the number many times bcoz my 3 finger reset also not working and downloaded Qt 473 and try to open store.ovi.com in phone browser but its not opening plzzz answer me soon as soon possible and email me also…

      1. Nokia Store for Symbian is no longer available. Most of the apps are moved to Opera at http://apps.opera.com

        Visit this website for new store installation on your Symbian OS phone.

        // chall3ng3r //

  24. zeke101 says:

    guess what.. last January I do a Hard Reset on my N8 and since then, I cannot install the Ovi Store anymore…. I tried searching blogs on how to fix it but non of them work.. This afternoon, i click the software update on my N8 and surprisingly there’s ovi store listed and I updated my phone accordingly hoping that it will fix the issue. After 2mins – it is SUCCESFUL – it was installed and when I click the icon for ovi store, it ask me to get the new version and I can t believe that after 6 months NOKIA release an update to fix this issue… THANKS ALOT Nokia. Hoping that the Symbian Anna update will be released here in the Philippines by August.

  25. Ahmad says:

    Salam bro. I want to thank you so much for helping me out. Had problems visiting ovi store on my new n8 where I kept getting push around in circles while trying to resolve the problem. Finally, after many hard resets and re-downloads, I’ve managed to get in ovi store after installing 4.6.3 (4.7.3 did not worked for me). Thanks again, much appreciated.

  26. Alejandro says:

    hi! I Tried with all your solutions but it doesnt work, I access in ovistore icon and it loading for hours and not open.. Help me! i dont know what more to do

  27. meet says:

    thx. .i hv been in search frm last 1month. .

  28. dheeraj says:

    nt able to remove ovi store.wat 2 do?

  29. tej says:

    hey bro i installed the leaked chinese version of ayymbian anna and did a hard reset. both 4.6 and 4.7 dont work to install the store. and i get the 2.11(latest version) of store to install from store.ovi.com. any workaround for my situation?

  30. @crewz ..
    Thankz man. Thankz a loooooooooooooooooot.. Its worked at last…

  31. @Ahmad, @meet, @Tanvir, glad that Ovi Store now working for you guys, enjoy!

    @Alejandro and @dheerar, Try the step @crewz provided in above comments.

    @tej, Well, maybe it’s because there could be different version of Qt for Symbian Anna, or Ovi Store. I have not tried this so I’m not sure what could be the problem in this case. You can do a format and try again.

    // chall3ng3r //

  32. ivana says:

    I instaled 473 file and ovi store did not worked. After that I clicked to install ovi store and it says: “Unable to start operation. Installer already in use” please help!

    1. @ivana, Qt installer takes a bit time to install. Give it 10 minutes to install. Then try again. If it shows same message. Try restarting your phone (power off, then back on). Then try again.

      // chall3ng3r //

  33. ikram says:

    i can not do this to my n8 please help me. I install 473 but again loading loding and loading. What will i do?

  34. ikram says:

    i can not istall ovi sore. It say unable to install.

  35. ivana says:

    OH MY GOD! I can’t say anything! You are the best! My ovi store works! I am so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!

  36. @ikram and others who are having issue that the Ovi Store is in always loading state.

    I just added Qt Mobility 1.1.3 SIS file in the list as well. Try installing it as well, then try to start Ovi Store.

    // chall3ng3r //

  37. ikram says:

    i do this but now ovi is not installing. It says unable to install. Please give me a waya simply i want to follow this

  38. @ikram, the easiest way to make it work is, just hard reset your device again. Then install the Qt 4.7.3 runtime (main sis, webkit and qt mobility).

    Then visit store.ovi.com on your mobile and download latest Ovi Store app.

    Don’t forget to backup your contacts and important data on you mobile before you do a hard reset.

    // chall3ng3r //

  39. ikram says:

    i can’t fix it to my nokia n8. u boys are lucky but i am not

  40. ikram says:

    still loading. Please help me. Check me.
    1 .reset
    2. On then just install qt +qtweb kit+qt m+0
    3. Wait for 10 minutes
    4. Install

  41. Walter says:

    Hi guys, Ive done a soft reset in my N8, and after that doesnt work the Ovi Store.
    Then Ive done what it says in this forum, but nothing happens. the Ovi Store remains launching and nothing!
    Please help me! Thanks a lot

  42. @ikram and @Walter, another way is, after rest of your device, install all sis files for Qt 4.7.3.

    Then restart your device and start SW Update application and check for new updates. It will tell you an update for Ovi Store, install it and then start Ovi Store from menu.

    // chall3ng3r //

  43. josef says:

    Hey ..
    after update ma mobile software . the ovi store become not login to ma account and so hard too ..

    i tried your solution but i didn’t get any benefit
    so pleas more help

  44. @josef, login to Ovi Store on PC and check if you are using the correct password.

    Then restart your phone then try again.

    // chall3ng3r //

  45. hi, can anyone of you answer my confusion? Hard reset is the “three finger” reset or the “delete data and restore”? Is there any difference between them? I have try “delete data and restore” option, after installing qt4.7.3 and qt mobility, my ovi store works again. I not yet try the “three finger” reset option, so I have no comment on it. Please, anyone help to clear my confusion!

  46. @sy, hard reset is considered the reset via hardware keys. However it is only recommended when you still get issues via soft reset.

    As you mentioned that Ovi Store is now working for you, you don’t need to do hard reset.

    // chall3ng3r //

  47. It wont work for my Nokia N8. It is a big bug in the nokia OS and one cant expect with a Mobile legend like Nokia.

  48. Jusbali says:

    Holy hell!

    I tried everything but then I got it to work.
    1. I did the 3-finger reset
    2. Then installed Qt 4.63 and Qt Webkit 4.63
    3. Then started software update on the phone
    4. Updated Ovi Store
    5. And then it started to work.

    Thanks a lot chall3ng3r for those files! You so saved my day. :)

    1. @Jusbali, you are welcome :)

      Thanks for sharing steps how it worked for you.

      // chall3ng3r //

  49. Rashmi says:

    Thankx….It works for me after spending whole night yesterday….with this post….finally….I AM HAPPY…

    Thank YOU….

  50. izaca says:

    Thanks a lot chall3ng3r for those files!
    I used the 4.6.3 version on my E71.
    restarted my E71 and everything was working fine:-)

    Thank YOU!!!

  51. @Rashmi, @izaca. You are welcome :)

    // chall3ng3r //

  52. Bharath says:

    Hi.. I followed the steps and was happy that the ovi store is working again but not able to install any apps from store as well as offline as it throws download error while installing… any idea wat might be the problem?
    PS: No problem with the network as the file downloads completely

  53. Nikolas says:

    Hi, I have run the both versions (463 and 473) but nothing happend
    Still can’t install the ovi store
    Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance

  54. @Bharath, restart your phone and try again.

    @Nikolas, just read through the comments, and try different steps shared by other users. First install Qt 4.7 then wait for 10 minutes. Then restart your phone, and finally check for updates via SW Update tool.

    // chall3ng3r //

  55. Hussein says:

    worked for me your the best challenger!!!

  56. Gaurav(new delhi) says:

    Thankx a ton bro, loads of hugs 4 u.
    I formatd my n8 with
    *#7370# , aftr dat vn da ph. Restartd i clickd da ovi store icon, it guided me to ovi web page, leading to download a new ovi software, i instald it, bt it dint workd. Thn i found dis web page.
    I instald qt473 bt stil was da sand prblm.
    Aftr dat i instald qtwebkit.
    N wow da wrk was dne. Thanks a ton bro. U rockkk

  57. lawrence says:

    i cheched my installed apps i have ovistore and ovistore installer no ovi. And my ovi store is not working help please

  58. Darwin says:

    Hi, I just did all the process but still ovi store keeps on loading… I’m using c7, did the hard reset, install qt 473, qt webkit 473 and qt mobility… But still ovi keeps just loading… What else to do?

  59. abed says:

    hey,i did everything….qt473 and it kept loading 4 ever.
    the qt463 and the ovi just wont start at all
    AND NOW ……i get (cannot load FEAPI “STORE API1”

    any comment :)

  60. @lawrence, @Darwin, @abed, I found that Ovi Store app now also needs Notification APIs SIS.

    I will add that SIS in download link in few hours. You can then install it and try again, or reser your device again to start over the process.

    // chall3ng3r //

  61. Arun says:

    Dear Bro,
    Yesterday I’ve updated my n8 with symbian anna update and after that I did a hard reset and installed your QT componets and again updated my device. There were four updates available to download (anna update 1/2, 2/2, Ovi and Social) and all of them got installed. But, still the issue remains and OVI store application stucks on the welcome screen and shoing loding… Pls help me.. Is there any need to install QT 4.7.4 for Symbian anna?

    Thanks in Advance,

  62. krraank says:

    To which memory folder should I add these files??
    C: E: or…… ?

    Doesn’t seem to be working for me and I have removed Ovi store and also hard reset my phone.

  63. omar says:

    Hey, I Tried QT 4.7.3 And the Ovi Store actually Worked But the Problem here Is Different From any other one, When Installing Most apps Even those from the ovi store it says preparing installation, But after that It says “System Error” and it closes the installation, Plz help cldn’t find the solution anywhere on the internet,oh yeah i did a soft reset before the ovi store first stopped working

  64. I have added new Notification APIs SIS files on the download link, install these two additional files as well, then Ovi Store should pass the loading screen.

    // chall3ng3r //

  65. My problem is different. I installed 1/2 successfully and while installing 2/2 the phone told me reboot to complete installation. So I restarted the phone, but I did so while the progress bar of 2/2 still working. But I thought since the phone told me restart to complete installation that it is safe to do so. After restarting, I found that only 1/2 is installed and 2/2 is not and I can’t find 2/2 to re install.

    Is there a way to download 2/2 and install it manually?

  66. Hammad says:

    hey i have nokia N8 and after hard reset ovi store is always loading that green blue screeen.
    i installed QT4.7 but it didn’t worked, i have uninstalled ovi store app and QT before and then tried again but not working still. where is the download link of qt 4.6.

  67. @Mostafa, You can try to clear the cache for the SW Update app to check again for updates. To do that, read my post http://chall3ng3r.com/?p=2871

    Or, wait for a day or two and check for updates again.

    @Hammad, you need to install all the Qt 4.7.3 SIS files on the download link. After the install, wait for 10 mins, then restart your device, and open browser on your mobile and go to http://store.ovi.com

    You will be asked to install latest version of Ovi Store, or if you already have it, it will be started.

    I have removed Qt 4.6.3 runtime files as they are not needed for Ovi Store anymore.

    Hope it helps,

    // chall3ng3r //

  68. zaafar says:

    heyy i’ve got a nokia n8 and i did a hard rest. i downloaded all ur files and installed ovi agn but it still doesnt seem to work.

    and also when i install the qt files, it asks me whether to save it in phone memory or mass memory, maybe thats where i got wrong but i selected the phone memory everytime

    someone help :s

  69. @Zaafar, maybe you could do a soft reset again, and start over. Sometimes, when you install things in wrong order, it could make issues.

    Try this: http://chall3ng3r.com/?p=2897&cpage=2#comment-161511

    // chall3ng3r //

  70. KArthik says:

    Thanx dude very much…………

  71. rosebabyruth says:

    Muchisimas gracias desde Mexico!!!!!!!

  72. Hammad says:

    hi chall3ng3r, i have done all, installed all the file then restarted device after 10 min. then installed ovi app from internet but its still loading on run.
    one thing that when i open link to install is said ovi_installer_qt_4.6…… something like that. may be version of qt matter?

  73. Hussein says:


    NOW anna why isnt available in CAnada!!!?

  74. my nokia c7 after upgrade to symbian anna become ovi store can’t open just loading and hang up pls any body can help me?????

  75. clive says:

    Savage job… I have ovi store back at last… about 3 months with out it….
    Worked great on my N8.
    thanks a million

  76. rythm says:

    hei, im having nokia e7 n recently i had updated to symbian anna. i also had a same problem , but ovi store works well but it shows loading forever n forever in the my stuff at ovi store. i had tried all qt libraries. plz help me .

  77. pitjo_angin says:

    can somebody help me with my nokia c7″¦i can’t use ovi store after update symbian anna”¦it keep showing loading on my stuff”¦i have try many solution like install Qt 4.7.3 but the results is still the same…pls somebody help”¦”¦

  78. nadeem says:

    i have nokia e7 i reset the device and i was facing the problem ovi store its starts but it stucks in loading then i installed 4.7.3, now when i click on ovi store button it goes upto lunch ovistore and then stops. pls help me.

  79. The best way for all of the users having issues, is hard-reset the device after backup of your contact and data.

    Then install Qt runtime from the link above, and check for updates in SW Update utility. It will install Ovi Store as well as offer new Symbian Anna updates.

    // chall3ng3r //

  80. bhavik keswani says:

    in my nokia C7 the same thing
    tried the Qt but still its not working its just showing loading
    plz provide some useful info
    for C7 users
    thank you
    plz tell us the full procedure
    of what to do………………….

  81. noplan says:

    YES! after weeks of ovistoreless usage of e7 now fixed it thanks to you!! downloaded all 5 files and reinstalled ovi store through a smartinstaller and ovi suite afterwards. And suddenly after a couple of seconds of loading (when you just stopped expecting it would…): ovi store opened.

  82. I have just updated the main post with Update 3 section. You can now directly download the Ovi Store client from Nokia.

    You do not even need to download Qt before this. The Ovi Store installer will automatically install any required components itself.

    Just read the main post again and look for instructions under Update 3 section.

    // chall3ng3r //

  83. Following my initial post to chall3ng3r and his response, I decided not to hard reset my phone as it had already crashed and I had just gotten it fixed.

    I then did something I read from the nokia forum. I installed nokia bubbles and qt downgrade.sis and uninstalled them. Restarting the phone after each installation and after unistalling them both.

    Then I installed qt 4.7.3.sis, its web kit sis and qt mobility 1.1.2.sis. In that order.

    Then nokia ovinstaller app (2.06 42 version) that I’d gotten from nokia ovi store. But at this point I kept getting the response that I couldn’t connect to the server.

    I than searched for ovistore update 2.12 42 and installed it. Then I was up and running. Ooops I forgot I also registered a new account again.

    Hope this helps those with nokia c7 like me. N thanks chall3ng3r n all ya all.

  84. manubharath says:

    Hi..Recently I have updated my N8 with Anna and did a *#7370# reset.. After installing the qt files ovi start up problem got fixed but got another issue… The problem is something weird.. The ovi store doesn’t stuck at the start up but it keeps showing ‘Loading’ forever when I try to open any featured application..I can search for an app but when i try to open that it fails to load the next page with description and download button.. also My stuff keeps loading forever.. Also the newly installed MS communicator with Anna update doesn’t work either..when tried to sign in it always shows “Server is not available. Application will try to connect again”.. All the settings are saved (User name, password, CWA URL and Network connection are set)..Any solutions please

  85. madhawa says:

    thanx it’s ryaly wrked…

  86. Chriswwwright says:

    Thank you so much for adding the last two files to the s3 list, I’ve been trying all sorts of things to get the ovi store, but adding the qtnotifications did the trick, thanks again.

  87. Santosh says:

    After installation of symbian My Ovistore doesn’t seems to open or work its stays on loading page

  88. Hey guys,

    I got an E7 with Anna installed. My problem was that I was getting “Download error” every time I’ve tried to download anything from OVI STORE. Hard reset my device. Did all the above steps. Installed QT 4.7.3, got the latest OVI Store client 2.12.045 but I’m still getting “Download error” everytime I try to get something from Ovi Store. Can you please help?
    Thanks a lot for your help

  89. […] du englisch kannst auf dieser Seite lesen : http://chall3ng3r.com/?p=2897 Ansonsten falls englisch nicht so gut geht : Die 5 dateien QT 4.7.3 runterladen … Aufs Handy […]

  90. @manubharath, Santosh and Andrei: you guys can skip the downloading and installation of Qt manually.

    Use the Direct Download Link provided in main post to download the latest version of Ovi Store app. During the install, it will automatically download and install needed Qt version and required Qt libraries.

    // chall3ng3r //

  91. Yo también le hice Hard Reset a mi Nokia c7 y se me borró la tienda Ovi. Para corregirlo solamente tuve que actualizar el software y entre las actualizaciones disponibles apareció la Tienda Nokia, nomás que con 30 Mb”¦ La descargué sin mucha fe, porque ya había probado muchos otros métodos y”¦ Funcionó! me pareció increíble.
    No sé si les va a servir a otros propietarios que les ha pasado lo mismo, espero que sí. Saludos.
    El proceso en el cel es así: Menú > Configuraciones > teléfono > administrador del teléfono > actualizar dispositivo > Opciones > Buscar actualizaciones”¦. y ahí me apareció.
    Tienes que tener conexión WiFi, de lo contrario te saldrá supercaro

  92. Christophe says:

    You just saved my Nokia E7, thanks you!

  93. Light says:

    Im Light from Bali
    I got a problem w/ my N8,
    after i did a reset.
    first, the Ovi Store cannot work as usual
    second, I cannot do the Device software on the SW Update it signed by “!”
    third, how can I make the Symbian anna work on my N8??
    the last, please give me the solution of my problems,thx a lot.

  94. TAMER says:


  95. Thanks a lot. your upload indeed worked well with my device.

    once again thanks a lot.

  96. Carlos Thiry says:

    Hey guys,

    I got an E7 with Anna installed. My problem was that I was getting “Download error” every time I’ve tried to download anything from OVI STORE. Hard reset my device. Did all the above steps. Installed QT 4.7.3, got the latest OVI Store client 2.12.045 but I’m still getting “Download error” everytime I try to get something from Ovi Store. Can you please help?
    Thanks a lot for your help.

    Same problem here, but on a N8 with Anna!

    Any sugestions???

  97. shabib says:

    hi challnger you are great i am sure i will be able to fix my phone if i do what you said
    i did but to no help!
    i have downloaded QT then i wen tto SW update and found the ovi store option i did it and it still didnt work

    i cant unistale the OVE stor eit says uninstale canceld right after i press unistale

    i dont know how to hard rest or format can you help me step by step?plz thx

  98. shabib says:

    now i also downloaded this 1 too 4.6.3
    and now i cant acces OVI store at all and when i download it from web it doesnt instale :(
    please chalnger help me

  99. All of the users still having issues with Ovi/Nokia Store should try out the new beta version.

    Look in the main post for Update 4 for link. It’s a 18mb download, and it’s developed using Qt QML, and it’s a lot smooth and works great on S^3 devices (N8, E7, C7).

    // chall3ng3r //

  100. Hey, thank you very much. I have an N 8 and after I reset and update to Anna, I could not access the ovi store. I downloaded and install each file that you provided Qt 4.7.3. Clicked on ovi store which then allow me to download ovi store and now its working. I can now go to ovi store and download my apps……thanks again

  101. marek says:

    After hard reset I could not access the ovi store. After I update to Anna still the same problem. I tried so many solutions, but when I downloaded ‘new Qt QML based beta Nokia Store app’ from http://betalabs.nokia.com/apps/store-qml-client/download_and_installation and install it thru ovi suite, my ovi store is working normaly. Great job chall3ng3r. Thanks

  102. @Dario @marek, you are welcome. Glad that now Nokia Store is working for you guys :)

    You might try our Highway Racer game on Nokia Store as well ;)

    // chall3ng3r //

  103. Carlos says:

    Vielen Dank! Thanks!! This is just a great idea. Just help people for fun! Best regards for your help, my phone is working now just fine! =D my store worked again hope it does not give me anymore problems. I had also a windon that keeps appearing saying SSOUI and that just appear and keeps charging for ever…duno if with these update that will fix too. Once again. Danke!

    1. you are welcome Carlos :)

      // chall3ng3r //

  104. hii dear
    im having the same issue. i got e71, so which version should i install.

    thx man

  105. digvijai says:

    ovi store not working on my e63 after latest update. please help

  106. thanks a ton man u r simply great…………….!
    it worked on my c7

  107. You are an angel man I dont know how to thank you

  108. thanks a lot after downloading and instaling file finaly my ovi store works !

  109. Hi, I tried to update to Anna through Nokia Ovi Suite. I first updated to the latest version of OVI suite, and some other updates but Anna update does not show in the list. Any reason why? How can I upgrade? Can you run me through a step by step procedure please?

  110. hey i got the same problem with my nokia E7s ovi store. it keeps loading. i downloded the qt files from here and when i tried to install it shows that my nokia e7 already has the same version or the newer version of qt files. what u suggest me?

  111. hey i do have d same problem but its with nokia 5233 s60^5…. Would qt work for it???

  112. hi…friends..
    I hard formatted my Nokia E 63,and restored the backup.
    Now (1) I can’t use my Email and while trying to set up the mail it says “Email is not enabled under the current license arrangement”. (2)there is no any trace of Ovi store and reinstalling not supported,and also not able to install qt components. Pls help

  113. Kumar says:

    I followed the steps mentioned

    Still store not working

  114. kamphani leonard says:

    Hey, am able to use ovi store in my nokia 5230 but there are no applications in it….just one ringing tone. Is this because of the same QT ?

  115. ammy umair says:

    i have installed all these files still not working help !!
    1. qt_473_s1.sis (12.5mb)
    2. qtwebkit_473_s1.sis (3.9mb)
    3. qtmobility_113.sis (2.5mb)

  116. hi,ovistore is loading and load and not open

  117. Yes it worked on my E7-00, thanks alot man.!! I owe u one.! Thank u so much & u did a great job to all of us and many still to come… keep it up.!! Thanks and @ Omer yes after downloading, replace everything even if the version is older than the one in the phone just replace all & restart & it will work.

  118. Maulik says:

    thanx a lot chall3ng3r…….me using nokia N8 ….u r awesome…….superb solution ever…….i tried 2 times and it works……and ya specially “Notification APIs SIS” that application works like charm……..many many thanx to u…….

  119. riinzx says:

    i bought the n8 for my girlfriend…was pretty sad soon after i found out the phone cudnt launch store…thanks to you mate! u saved me my girls happiness….god bless u!

  120. amitabh bachchan says:

    I created a backup using Ovi Suite before the reset and chose to restore from that back up to try and get the apps that I paid for back onto the phone. After restoring, I have most of the content back but am still missing more than a few apps that I have paid for (a lot of which I wanted to get rid of in the first place – back to square one!).

    Why does it seem that app purchases aren’t ‘registered’ to an account or credit card, but stored in the phone? If Ovi Store tracks apps that I have purchased in the ‘My Stuff’ section, why does it make me purchase them again? This shouldn’t matter, even after a hard reset.

    Basically all I’ve achieved is a lot of time wastage, an unnecessary app purchase and now a phone with less paid apps than before, plus all the junk back that I wanted to get rid of by hard resetting (due to restore).

    My question from all this – why can’t Ovi Store recognise that I have paid for these apps?

  121. jerrox says:

    hi chall3ng3r,

    am trying to install the qt473 but in no way it install..it always say cannot install and try it later. Until now i have still this problem of launching my ovi store. thanks.

  122. jerrox says:

    by the way, i have just hard reset it and install the qt473 but when i start install the ovi store it says “installation failure, it needs qt4.07(4) or newer”…Any solution? thanks.

  123. Ahmadullah says:

    i tried alot but qtnotifications_v1_1_11120 is not installing so kindly some one help me to download and use my nokia ovi store your help is highly appreciated…………..

  124. martin says:

    Hi, I have a c5-00. firstly the ovi store app on my phone just shows the loading link. BUT NEVER loads. I have uninstalled it severally with no help as it auto-installs itself. thus I cant install apps from the store direct from my phone. Please help..

  125. Dhramvir says:

    hiii i reset ma c7 wid keys i coudn,t found ovi store i instal runtim 4.7 and mobility notification webkit says fil type not suported when i instal ovi store it instal 95% than says unable to instal help me…

  126. dhiraj says:

    hey,ihave nokia 700_ n wen i start instaling software downloaded from ovi , its coming system irror . Wat to do… Pls help

  127. hminga koilam says:

    i already install qt473sis but a can’t open ovi store…pleas help me

    1. @hminga koilam, uninstall Qt, then use the Direct Download Link for Nokia Store, it will download SIS which is bundled with Qt.

      // chall3ng3r //

  128. Khalil says:

    hey i have nokia x7 wotch qt should i download ?
    thank you

    1. @Khalil, download Nokia Store from the Direct Download Link.

      // chall3ng3r //

  129. rinku says:

    after lots of try i am not opening to my ovi store

    1. @rinku, read the post again and also comments then try again. It have worked for many users who tried correctly.

      // chall3ng3r //

  130. aziz ahmed says:

    hey admin iam facing a vry mch prblm plz help me out , first of all i dnt knw hw to do hard reset so checked on net it showd switch off den press vol down den camera key den menu key den da pwer key, nw prblm is dat till vn i shud press oll dat button
    n aftr doing all dat hw to knw vich file is suitable fr my n8 it was upgraded 2 anna but today i deleted data n restored it so is it nw also ugraded to anna n 1 importnt thing u said to uninstall the ovi store iam uninstalling it bt itz saying removing cancelld
    so plz tell me all the stpz clearly plz admin

    1. @Aziz, do a hard reset, then plug it with your PC via USB and install all the updates via Nokia PC Suite. It will fix all the issues.

      // chall3ng3r //

  131. LiLCLEMO says:


  132. MajoR says:

    Dude, thanks a lot. Easy, fast, and right to the point problem solving.

  133. Pankaj says:

    Thnks yaar, Your Trick help me a lot and Now My Nokia C7 Belle is woking Fine.

  134. Sonam says:

    Hi. The problem with my phone is that i did download the Nokia store link the one you have mentioned above as well and the thing got downloaded as well but din’t get installed on my mobile. And now i don’t even know where the link got saved in ma mobile. So that i can try again. Plz help. :-( even i did a hard reset before.

  135. xenace says:

    after hard reset i got ovi store and maps back but i cant download apps like battery monitor because it says “download error”. I cant download all apps except games. Could anyone find the solution for this plz

  136. kraken says:

    hello where is the Qt 4.6.3. your download link only have the 4.7.3. pls help thanks.

    I don’t know anything about Qt. My Ovi store was the original version because it does not download if i update it. Everything was fine until i installed Master Piano and decided to clear trash from my memory. I deleted the Qt file because i did not know about it. And now both my piano and ovi wo’t start/open anymore. When i get master piano from the net and install it, it just says “Qt missing”…pls help thanks

  137. Mahfooj says:

    Thanks a million sir.

  138. Tabish says:

    Hi im using nokia 5233 s60v5 while installing or running sm apps it says ‘ovi notification api’ missing where to find this or what can b done?

  139. Diracian says:

    Thanks! You’re a star!! Mine went on a *#7370# restart which Nokia says won;t remoive the store..! You’re so right that they really need to sort this out!

  140. arpith says:

    hi sir i had followed every thing what gate you told but my n8 is giving error msg that installation failed please please help me abt this issue

  141. lanostalgie says:

    Hi..i have the n8..i restored it..now the ovi isnt working.but i have the version bel os 3 so the links u put.didnt work to me..please give me a solution.thanks a lot

  142. Stephen says:

    thank you so much, it worked – you might want to know that once loaded using the http://lr.ovi.mobi/store/client-symbian-3/ link, you are re

  143. akbar says:

    Dear friends

    pleas use this url site direct open your phone web page writedown this site,http://lr.ovi.mobi/store/new-symbian-3 click this site automatically open download click ok

    yours friend

  144. Jeevan... says:

    Hai frnds.i am using nokia e63.i restarted my mobile by using this no.*#7370#.now my ovi store is not working.finally i downloaded nokia ovi store but it show that unable to install.so any one give mee an answer for this…

  145. pramood says:

    it made me so problem that ovi store did not start after reset .thhanks for ur idea

  146. Romeo says:

    after i hard reset my nokia E7-00, i have different problems i have a trouble streaming youtube videos, it just wouldn’t run, and also, .flv files are also not working well. Can you please help me. by the way the OVI problem i also have is now fixed thanks to you :)

  147. aditya says:

    i have a c6 01
    ovi store was not working after the phone came back from nokia care center
    i saw ur blog, i installed qt 4.7.3 , but ovi store continues with its same problem, that is, it opens and keeps on loading.. It never finishes loading

  148. shibu says:

    how can i open ovistore.it is not working in my c7.please tell me how can i recover it

  149. Nessa says:

    I have the N8 and I did try the qt updates, etc., but I was not successful in installing the Ovi Store app until I tried the Direct Download Ovi Store App link given above. Thanks so much for pointing me in the right direction!

  150. suresh says:

    Thankyou very much sir..I had same problem and I got it fixed.Thanks for Your suggestions..bye

  151. Princealiur says:

    Bro i install qt 463 and qt web kit and log in store.ovi.com but ovistore not downloading.what can i do ?pls ans me.

  152. Nilesh says:

    Hi There,

    I had accidentally uninstalled my nokia store and other ovi store file using my netquin applications manager and since then i had this issue with my nokia”ovi” store icon missing and i was going crazy trying to find a solution to it…

    the steps that you have given here have helped me solve the problem and now i have my nokia”ovi” store back..

    thanks a lot for your help and solution.. KUDDOS !!!

    CHEERS !!

  153. Problem not solved. I have update my n8 software to belle since then I was unable to open ovi store. Tried every post and every download in here this suck I want anna back.

  154. Meksong says:

    I have everytin installed in my n8 even d ovi store,bt d installation never completes and there is no icon for ovi store.it says unable 2 access shortcut due to missin conponent

  155. fatima asdam says:

    tnx a lot!

  156. you are the best works like a charm on nokia c7

  157. john milters says:

    thank you very much i love u man i fix my ovi store thanks you are my hero

  158. bakka says:

    i have reset my n8.then my ovi store is not working plzzzz send me some link of this issue…thanxxx…

  159. tnx worked

  160. can you help me in my nokia ovii store for nokia c6 i happend to uninstall a featured that was been installed in my phone and then my ovi store stop from downlaoding any of application i open in it can you help me?

    1. Read the post and look for full download of Ovi Store client. It will install Qt and Ovi Store in one go.

      // chall3ng3r //

  161. hashik says:

    i am nokia c6 01 belle refresh . From past 2days some apps not working proper. When i touches the icon it open for a second. Then it will be closed.. Same for else apps also….. Plz help me

  162. Samara says:

    hey Admin
    i am using nokia e71-1 facing the same problem . i tried installing the Qt from the link but it shows NOt compatible with my phone
    plxx help

    1. Just use the updated links in blog post above, which will restore Qt and Nokia Store on your phone.

      // chall3ng3r //

      1. fortunephumlani58 says:

        can u plz write for me i cant get 4.6.3 sis plz plz

        1. @fortunephumlani58, in the post you can see link to Qt runtime for Symbian link. There two versions of the Qt runtime are provided, download the one you’re looking for.

          // chall3ng3r //

  163. rayesh says:

    i have nokia c7-00 and when i try to install some app like viber we chat e.t.c but its say download error after installing so how can i fix this kind of problem?

    1. @rayesh, start Device Manager app on your Nokia C7, and install device updates. Then you can look for Updates app which will install any missing components. If none of this works, you might have to hard-reset the device and update the device with same steps.

      // chall3ng3r //

  164. Akhilesh says:

    How to uninstall Ovi Store. It give me error, “Uninstallation Cancelled”

    1. The only way to remove store I know is via hard-reset. You need to backup your data, do a hard reset, then on first boot, install Ovi Store then restore data.

      // chall3ng3r //

  165. Meerab says:

    Ovistore at my nokia700 is not working plz help me abot this

  166. Hi, i am using nokia n8.After reset ovi store are not open.jab main ovi store open karta hu tab opera store open ho jata h.So pleas help me. How get ovi store.

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