Showing 5 Result(s)
tilt-shift photography of HTML codes

Flash Help – External help viewer for Adobe Flash CS3

Finally, last night I made it. Its kinda quick and dirty, but it works, at least for me as I want it :). Here a screenshot: I made this external help viewer for myself, but I thought if anyone who also finds Help Panel in the way most of the time when working in Flash CS3, might like to use it. Download: Note: Requires MS. Net Framework v2 or …

tilt-shift photography of HTML codes

Microsoft Silverlight 2.0 Blasts!

I watched the keynote live from, and was thrilled to see great demonstrations done with Silverlight 2.0. I was just waiting for the mobile part of the Silverlight. There were two demos of Silverlight Mobile, one on a Windows Mobile 6 device, and other was on Nokia N95 8GB. Both applications looked great. The on-demand stream of the keynote is now available, you can watch the entire keynote, or …

tilt-shift photography of HTML codes

Microsoft Silverlight Mobile coming to Nokia, wakeup Adobe!

WOW, Nokia and Microsoft getting together to put Silverlight on Nokia devices. This includes Nokia S60, S40 and Tablet (Maemo) devices. Thats really cool! Nokia’s official press release is here. Here are some notable excerpts from deferent sources: The expectation is that Silverlight will be embedded on new Nokia devices and downloadable to those already in the market. ^ view source At MIX, Nokia will demonstrate Silverlight applications on its Series …

tilt-shift photography of HTML codes

Microsoft’s answer to free Adobe Flex. The DreamSpark!

Microsoft has recently been quite active with big announcements, updates to developer tools and Windows OS. On Monday, MS announced they will give away VS, Expression and Windows Server absolutely FREE to students worldwide. Read more here, and here. Very impressive move to get crowd stick to MS, seems quite workable idea :) Adobe also recently made available Adobe Flex Builder free to students. MS following the same idea making it …

tilt-shift photography of HTML codes

Microsoft Silverlight getting better

They just announced Silverlight 1.0 RC1 and 1.1 Alpha Refresh. According to blog post by Tim Sneath, MS have fixed 2000 bugs in Silverlight 1.0, that’s really cool. Read more and download the updates here. I’m just keen to see the mobile implementation of Silverlight. Lets see when MS release first bits of Silverlight Mobile. // chall3ng3r //