tilt-shift photography of HTML codes

SWF2Go Professional 2.0 Now Available!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present you SWF2Go Professional 2.0.

Please read the official press release at:


The new product website orison.biz/projects/swf2go-professional is now live with dedicated forums and wiki. You can find all the details about what’s new in this major release, as well as screenshots of the product on this website.

Website: orison.biz/projects/swf2go-professional

Note: The wiki is ready, but is currently set to private access until we finalize its settings.

Update: I forget to mention, there is a 10% introductory discount offer, and its for limited time.

Once you’re ready to rock ‘n roll, you can place your order right away ;)

Happy Flash Lite-ing!

I will be attending Mobile Developer Days 2008 in Berlin, Germany from 10-13 Sept. If anyone like to meet or have a hands-on demo, you can contact me via email or mobile.

Email: [email protected]
Mobile: +49 176 5451 5873

// chall3ng3r //

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