tilt-shift photography of HTML codes

For last few months my friends were asking me, what me and my team at Orison Technologies is doing? Well, today I’d like to share what we’ve been cooking for last few months.

buteek.com - Home

buteek.com “€œ A new brand and webshop for latest fashion & style. The store currently offers eastern and western designs for young women and ships all around the world. Take a look and let us know your thoughts about designs, prices and overall experience.

BTW, buteek.com is running exclusive discounts to celebrate its online launch, so get busy shopping!

// chall3ng3r //


  1. James says:

    'Buy now" button is a Web 2.0 theme, it is bad and over-hype that it would not be recommend for use in commercial website.

  2. Thank you James for your comment.

    Do you have a suggestion how we can improve it? We are always for good feedback to improve our designs.

    // chall3ng3r //

  3. Do you have a suggestion how we can improve it?
    – Purchase

    I recommend to but a I Like btn and show the one with the best score in the front.

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