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No Symbian Signed for SWF2Go SIS

Recently there was a discussion in Flash Lite Yahoo Group about signing the SIS files. And fees involved in signing the SIS files. So, I thought to post about my findings on it and also that SWF2Go does not require Symbian Signed.

PocketFlash.net have some nice posts about the Symbian Sign process and steps required for signing from the Flash Lite developer’s perspective.

I was able to find some pointers that I believe will help other developers. Most of the things are already defined in S60 SDK Docs. I am quoting some text from the S60 3rd Edition FP1 SDK Docs.

The first thing we need to know is the deference between Developer Certificate and Self Certificate. I searched the SDK Docs, and found this:

S60 3rd Edition includes mandatory .sis file signing, which means that all .sis files must be signed before installing them to the device. The type of certificate needed for an application depends on the capabilities it uses. The following table explains the different kinds of certificates needed:

Self Signed Certificate

When an application requires no capabilities or utilizes APIs, which are open to all. This can be used when testing an application in one’s own device or when shipping the application.

Note: The application is regarded as Untrusted if signed with the Self Signed Certificate.

This process is recommended for freeware applications using unrestricted capabilities.

Developer Certificate

When testing the application in developer’s own device(s). This certificate is received from Symbian.

The Symbian Developer Certificate can be used by developers to sign their applications in order to obtain the restricted capabilities for device testing. The certificate is restricted to a certain set of IMEIs and the set cannot be changed. There are a few requirements to get a Symbian Developer Certificate.

Symbian Signed

Mandatory if the application is using capabilities beyond the scope of APIs open to all and the application is shipped.

As described above, Developer Certificate is locked to certain IMEIs for testing applications which uses capabilities that are not user grantable at the time of installation. In my personal experience when I requested a Developer Certificate from SymbianSigned.com, It was locked to only one IMEI.

Here’s another quote from S60 3rd Edition FP1 SDK Docs describing Self Certificate

S60 3rd Edition SDK for Symbian OS, Supporting Feature Pack 1, for C++
Getting Started >>
Main Steps of Application Development

Self Signed Certificate

In S60 3rd Edition application development all .sis files must be signed before installing them to a device. When an application requires no capabilities or utilizes APIs which are open to all, you can use the Self Signed certificate. This can be used when testing an application in one’s own device or when shipping the application. Using the Self Signed certificate is recommended for freeware applications using unrestricted capabilities.

Note: Applications are regarded as Untrusted if signed with the Self Signed certificate.

This also means that if you make your own SWF launcher and SIS for it, you can Self Sign it and sell it via your website or content aggregators who don’t require Symbian Signed criteria, such as Handango.com or Clickgamer.com

SWF2Go produces SWF Launcher which requires user grantable capabilities, so any SIS files built with SWF2Go will work with Self Signed certificate.

Also, in my research, I found that most of the general users have set the Software Install to All. Maybe because they may have tried or using some freeware tool(s), such as screen capturing or filemanager.

Its good that Flash Lite developers can sell thier games and applications without paying heavy signing fees.

Note: These are my personal findings on the topic, they might be incorrect, or may have differences.

// chall3ng3r //


  1. Hi Faisal,

    you’re right: to sell symbian application it is not mandatory to have our sis “symbian signed”…


  2. Hi, Ive built my own certifcate etc using makekeys, and the test app I sent to the group YSB.sis was built and yesterday you said it had worked on your phone.
    AS you know I have just bought a N80 to test your new sis builder software, but it wont let me install. Ive changed the settings to all in the Apps manager, but still no good. Any ideas how I should progress?

  3. It says “certificate may not be valid or out of date…. but its the same sis you guys installed on your phones??

  4. thanks Leonardo for confirmation :)

    Dave, i’ll send you a demo certificate via email.

    // chall3ng3r //

  5. Your finding is correct. Wait for express signing.

  6. […] bien es cierto, que las herramientas comentadas aquí en otras ocasiones, permiten el denominado Self Signed, que en principio es más que suficiente para que puedan ser instaladas en todos los dispositivos […]

  7. Sioanid says:

    dear chall3ng3r pls pls can you send me a demo certificate?everywhere i look is about siymbinasigned and all stuff…thanx

  8. Hi,

    Sure. I have made a demo self-certificate for you that will expire in 10 years ;)

    Sending to your email.

    // chall3ng3r //

  9. dear chall3ng3r please pleases can you send me a demo certificate also?

  10. clstanley says:

    please please please can you send me a certificate, symbian signed being down is a pain to say the least!!!!

  11. @skippydvd and @clstanley,

    Thanks for writing to me. I’m sorry that i cannot help you with making Developer Certificates for S60. They can be created through SymbianSigned.com only.

    The self-certificate that i sent to other guy, is a self made certificate. You can create one for yourself as well. But it will not enable advanced APIs that most S60 applications require. You need to buy a original copy of software from the vendor, or if you’re a beta tester, you will need to ask the developer of the application.

    For making self-certificates, its quite easy, and free. just carefully read the following article: http://www3.symbian.com/faq.nsf/AllByDate/0A641D4666011F9C002572250023F01C?OpenDocument

    // chall3ng3r //

  12. Fernand says:

    Hi, please tell me how to install aplications when they say ‘certificated expired’. I’m going from page to page but i couldn’t install anything. I want to install RotateMe, mainly. Thanks.

  13. Mmm, if it says certificate expired, the easiest thing I know is to set the date on your phone a bit back (i.e. just change year to 2007) and try again. And when application is installed, then you can set the date back to current.

    Hope it helps :)

    // chall3ng3r //

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