I recently got into a problem where I by mistake uninstalled “Client for Microsoft Networks” option for my Dell notebook’s WLAN adapter.
The main issue which I was having was that the network icon in system tray was always showing as disconnected, even if I connect to WiFi or plug a LAN cable. It always shows disconnected, which was annoying.
So, if you happen to get similar issue in Windows 7, just open Device Manager from Control Panel, and select the WiFi network adapter and Uninstall it. Do not check “Delete the driver software for this device” Option.
After this, from Actions menu in Device Manager, click “Scan for hardware changes”, which will reinstall the driver back from the drivers’ cache, and will also fix the network icon issue.
Now back to the original issue at hand. To reinstall the Client for Microsoft Networks, you first need to open the Properties window for the network adapter.
Click Install, and select Service, then there will be only option for “Flash and Printer Sharing Service for Microsoft Networks”, select it to install.
Now go back to same window and this time click Install and select Client from the list. You will get option for “Client for Microsoft Networks”, select it and install. That’s it!
Now if you are connected to network, disconnect, and connect again so you can start accessing the file sharing service on your LAN.
I hope this will help someone in need :)
// chall3ng3r //
[…] the original post here: Reinstalling Client for Microsoft Networks in Windows 7 at F ·L ·A ·S ·H … Posted in: Microsoft Tags: control, control-panel, delete-the-driver, device, […]
Thanks you this worked me get around the problem
WOW!! It worked after days of troubleshooting! Was having problems connecting to my freenas server after reinstalling windows on my pc. Thank you!