tilt-shift photography of HTML codes

Finally, a blog editor for Mac which seems good :)

I think I’ve finally found a nice blog client for Mac. I’ve been searching for a while, gave try to some popular ones but no one came close to what I was looking for.

ScribeFire, its not a standalone Mac application but an add-on for Firefox. If you select to open the editor in new window, it looks much better, just like a standalone client.

Initial impressions are quite good, and this post is also been blogged from ScribeFire. I am still not very sure if this is the one, but I have a feeling that I’m gonna be using it quite well.

This was just a short review, I will be posting a detailed one after some weeks of use (hopefully :))

// chall3ng3r //


  1. ScribeFire is a top class firefox add on. I been using it for some time now. Great tool.

    Many thanks for the heads up.

  2. Xenplex says:

    Thanks a lot for this post!
    I finally found a blog editor for my mac ;)

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