Showing 87 Result(s)
tilt-shift photography of HTML codes

Not found blogger i want!

i’ve been testing out many blogger windows client, but unable to find one with more features i need. JetBlogger was good simple. w.blogger also have some cool features. but not all that i’m looking for :| so, still on my search for good blogger windows client. i’d like to mention one thing that i’ve found in almost all blogger clients so far is ability to upload images/files to FTP server. …

tilt-shift photography of HTML codes

Testing BlogJet

I have installed an interesting application – BlogJet. It’s a cool Windows client for my blog tool (as well as for other tools). Get your copy here: I’ll post its review after a few days testing. its small and fast. and almost what i was looking for. but I’ll found all about it after a few days regular use.   // chall3ng3r // “Computers are useless. They can only …

tilt-shift photography of HTML codes

my windows xp sp2 is craching alot now, too much loaded. i’ll start posting some actionscript code snnipets after reinstalling my xp.

tilt-shift photography of HTML codes

After one year, im back to my blogger account. this time i’ll try to keep posting on it. i’m currently working on DigitalSurv’s new website, and trying to create something for FlashLite 1.1 i’ve just got from Macromedia.

tilt-shift photography of HTML codes

im back, i was having deadly connectivity probs for last few weeks.but im now online with dialup :D i’ll try to keep posting new messages….